Sunday, August 29, 2010

Jazz: An Interview With Indra Aziz and Barry Likumahuwa

Well, well, this is kinda intriguing. Back in year 11 (now I'm in the senior year) I was handed a task from my Research Skill teacher, I forgot what it was really about but to my knowledge I was obligated to conduct an interview. So back then I decided my topic, it was about jazz scene in Indonesia. At that time what came out first in my mind was Indra Aziz. He's one of the most influential young jazz musician in Indonesia, whom I thought would be great to interview. Thank God we now have Twitter, I contacted him through Twitter. He was very generous that he replied my tweet and he told me to send the questions by email. He replied email as well and he suggested me to interview Barry Likumahuwa, another young talented jazz musician in Indonesia. As a result, I  successfully interviewed two professional jazz musician! So, in this post I'd like to share the result of my interview with Indra Aziz and Barry Likumahuwa. I wish I can still contact them and another Indonesian jazz musician to conduct another interview. Enjoy!

Indra Aziz

Rayhan (R): Why did you choose jazz as the music you master?
Indra Aziz (I):When u study music, u can't escape jazz study, that's where I fell in love with jazz (real jazz that is)

R: In your opinion, what are so special about jazz?
I: Jazz gives musicians freedom thru improvisation. Yet very complex and interesting to those studying music. It is mostly acoustic thus natural. And the syncopation is very appealing.

R: What differentiates jazz to other genres?
I: For jazz the possibilities are endless.

R: How does the community interact?
I: Now, thru websites, forums, mailists, and of course in concerts and jam sessions

R: How well does this genre goes in the music world today?
I: Vocalists saves jazz from disappearing.

Barry Likumahuwa

Rayhan (R): Why did you choose jazz as the music you master?
Barry (B): I never choose jazz. Jazz chose me. The main reason is because of the musical enviroment, which was build since I was a baby. Even since I'm still in my mom's tummy. My pregnant mom would go & sing jazz in clubs or hotel, and my dad would play together with her. That's why I love jazz before I was even born.

R: In your opinion, what are so special about jazz?
B: Jazz is special for me coz I can express my feelings freely thru the music. And to go there u must achieved a certain level in ur musicality, for me its challenging. And last but not least, jazz is all about groove, whether if its swing, funk, latin or brazillian.

R: What differentiates jazz to other genres?
B: The honesty and sincerity of the music. Coz we don't have to make music that sells in the musical industry.

R: How does the community interact?
B: The community I may say is surprisingly developing in a very good way. Lots of youngsters have this urge to actually understands jazz, and the community get together once a month, or some even once a week. Giving us musicians more places to perform :)

R: How well does this genre goes in the music world today?
B: In the music world jazz has always been good. But in indonesia particularly, tho it'll always be a segmented music, jazz is expanding in ways that our jazz seniors can't even imagine. Hopefully it'll stay that way in the next 2years, 7years, a decade, 3decades or even centuries! :)

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